Points of view

Small Moves; Big Impact!

The passages are the real challenge of our contemporary urban world. The IVM-program we are opening today in Barcelona ambitions ...


Sensitive Passage

In the introduction to “The Order of Things”, Foucault quotes Borgès on the capacity of this kind of classification to express ...


A Link, a Place

Typological study on passages made ​​before the launching of the program (December 2013), in collaboration with oeri De Bruyn andJeroen De Waegemaeker


Urban Passage and Social Space

Conference in the context of the seminar "Passages", Tongji University, China


Streets, Passages and Infrastructures

"Toolbox for the future": lecture of the international at theTongi University, May 2013


What is the Passages project ?

Action-research project in partnership with the cities of Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Paris, Santiago, Shanghai, Toronto, Tours, Valparaiso, Paris… for the implementation of demonstration projects, academic exchanges and architectural and cultural events. Since may 2013, a network of international experts has been working together to develop research and scientific, cultural and artistic events and to launch competitions in architecture, design, shorts movies...


Thematic Text of The Programme

Marcel Smets


A Cinema of Passages, Phantasmagoria of The Cinema by Jacques Demy

At the origine of this text, there is the fact that Jacques Demy's cinema places are very close ...


A Look at The Metropolitan Passages Awarded in Barcelona

Article published in the catalogue of results edited by the AMB : analysis of the results for the 6 competitions


Small Interventions to Structure the Great Metropolis

Introduction and presentation of the 6 sites of the competitions "Metropolitan Passages"  organized by the AMB 


Passages: Actions for The Metropolitan City

Introduction of the catalogue of results of the competitions in the Metropolitan area of Barcelona, published by AMB
