Metropolitan Area of Barcelona: six metropolitan passages

Results of The 6 Competitions

Among the 50 entries, 4 winners and 12 runners-up for small, intermediate and strategic interventions  on 6 emblematic sites of passages on the metropolitan territory


Badalona – a passage through the C31 (Site 1A )

3 runners-up:

Paisatge infraestructural,  Gerardo Pérez de Amezaga Tomas & Pablo Villalonga Munar.

Unbreaking Badalona, Javier Hernani López, Antonio Ferrari, Marc Marin, Laia Bellver, Sergio Azpiroz & Rakel Vázquez Gómez.

ARQUA, Natalia Alesina Núñez

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Montcada i Reixac – a passage as an articulator (site 1B)

2 winners:

Espai “Continum”, activitat “Diversum”, Ramiro Chiriotti Alvarez, Carla Compte & David Fontanils.

By Pass, Mònica Beguer Jornet, Javier Matilla, Cristóbal Moreno, María Beni & Elia Hernando.

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Cerdanyola del Vallès and Ripollet – A passageas civi axis (site 2C)

1 winner:

CB45PT, Adrià Orriols Camps & Joan Massagué Sánchez.

2 runners-up:

De cajón, Javier Hernani López, Marc Marin, Webb, Laia Bellver Arbona, Rakel Vázquez Gómez & Miguel López Atarés.

1, 2, 3, Laura Coma Fusté, Alex Alesina Donada, Joana Descals Martín, Helena Arnaste Pérez & Sandra Alcázar Torrecillas.

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Sant Cugat del Vallès – an interurban passage (site 2D)

1 winner:

Anell verd, Carles Enrich Giménez, Rafel Capó Quetglas, Anna de Castro Català

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Molins de Rei, Sant Vicenç dels Horts – Un passage comme noeud de centralité (site 3E)

1 winner:

Passatge a la identitat, Ferran Viladomat Serrat i Carles Esquerra Julià.

3 runners-up:

Filar prim, Laura Coma Fusté, Alez Alesina Donada, Helena Arnaste Pérez, Joana Descals Martín & Sandra Alcázart Torrecillas.

Reciclar el paisaje tecnocrático, Alessandra Caprini, Oscar Arroyo & Valentina Molinari.

Fòrum Km0, Catalina Salvà Matas, Catalina Salvà Matas & Héctor Ortín Isern.

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L’Hospitalet de Llobregat-Un passage comme interchangeur métropolitain (site 3F)

1 winner:

Les vides al pont, d’Adrià Guardiet Llotge, Adrià Guardinet Llotge, Pere Buil Castells, Toni Riba Galí &Sandra Torres Molina.

2 runners-up :

On tot pot passar, Mikko Liski.

Vincle, Hèctor Nevot Lloret & Israel Rawy Samitier

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Metropolitan Passages Competition


The competition focuses on six sites in the metropolitan area of Barcelona territory, ​​in the municipalities of Badalona, Montcada and Reixac, between Ripollet and Cerdanyola, Sant Cugat del Vallès, between Molins de Rei and Sant Vicenç dels Horts and Hospitalet de Llobregat


The project is organized in three consecutive calls for competition. Each call focuses on two specific study sites.


Individuals or teams of various disciplines, in Catalan or Spanish language


21 October 2014: launch on sites 1A (a passage through the C31) and 1B (a passage as an articulator) – 20 November 2014: launch on sites 2C (un passage comme axe civique) and 2D (a passage as an suburban promenade) – 19 December 2014: launch on sites 3E (a passage as a central hub) and 3F (a passage as a metropolitan hub)
March 2015: Announcement of the results (winners and runners-up)

19 December 2014: limit date for entries sites 1A (a passage through the C31) and 1B (a passage as an articulator) – 20 January 2015: limit date for entries site 2C (un passage comme axe civique) and 2D (a passage as an suburban promenade) – 20 February 2015: limit date for entries site 3E (a passage as a central hub) and 3F (a passage as a metropolitan hub)
March 2015: Announcement of the results (winners and runners-up)

Issues of Metropolitan Passages

The needs of connections and passages are a major challenge for the municipalities of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, in order to cross rivers, connect disctricts separated by a variety of infrastrctures which appear as real frontiers (i.e. the railway along that prevent the access to the sea, metropolitan parks, highway interchanges absorbed by urbanization, interconnections between neighborhoods …).

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Team of Metropolitan Passages, Barcelona

Coordination : Carles Llop, Aleix Armengol, Rosa Rull, Andrea Caparrós, Carme Garau

Àera Metropolitana de Barcelona : Ramón Torra, Noemí Garcia, Loles Herrero, Helena Sanz

in collaboration with the Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya