Passages meetings in Latina America

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From 31 August to 8 September, in Buenos Aires, Montevideo and São Paulo

Buenos Aires, 31/08 -03/09/2014

In the frame of the International Seminar Future of Places, conferences, workshops and results of the national student competition “a passage, a city”, on the Scalabrini Ortiz footbridge, launched by IVM America Latina.

Sunday 31 August

Visit and performances on the competition site, opening of the exhibition Passages and presentation of the six prize-winning projects.

Tuesday 2 September

Parmi les 6 ateliers de Future of Places, l’IVM anime une session sur les Passages, avec la participation de Marcel Smet, Rosanna Forray, Isabel Arteaga, Pascal Amphoux, Mireille Apel Muller et Cristhian Figueroa

Wednesday 3 september

Conference by Marcel Smets, scientific director of the project, and presentation of the international programme.

Seminario Montevideo + Passages, 04-5/09/2014

Exhibition and public presentation of the results of the 9 workshops of Seminario Montevideo + Passages, visits of the three sites Casavalle, Varela and Malvín Norte

University of the Republic, Faculty of Architecture

São Paulo, 08/09/2014

Conference by Marcel Smets with IVM Brésil, workshop with city profesionnals and visits