Opening of the competition in Tours & St-Pierre-des-Corps

Call for competition n°5

“What if the A10 motorway opened up (an) urban passage(s)?”

How to bring new dynamism to the connections on the urban agglomeration scale and between Tours and Saint-Pierre-des-Corps while keeping the A10 motorway in service?
■ International competition in two phases, open to multidisciplinary teams of at least two people, aged under 40, at least one of whom is qualified in urban design (architect, urban planner, landscape architect…)
■ Organized by The Tours(s)plus District and VINCI Autoroutes and managed by ATU (Tours Planning Agency), within the IVM international programme “Passages, transitional spaces for the 21st century”
■ Timetable: 20 January 2015: registration opens; 20 March 2015: deadline for applications; 10 April 2015: announcement of the seven finalists; 28 May-1 June 2015: workshop in situ; 22 June 2015: final submissions; 30 June: results