Buenos Aires in the heart of passages

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Results of the student competition “a passage, a city”, exhibition in the Museum of architecture, conferences in the seminar “Future of Places”


Launching exhibition in the Museum of Architecture of Buenos Aires (Marq) in September 2014 

Click here for pictures of the inauguration

Participation to the seminar “Future of Places” from 1 to 3 September

Conferences by Marcel Smets and Isabel Arteaga, workshops moderated by Andres Borthagaray

Results of the student competition “a city, a passage” on the footbridge Scalabrini Ortiz

Tuesday 2 September 214, the jury, presided by Marcel Smets, awarded the following teams:

First prize : Marcos Altgelt and Segundo Denegri ; Tutor: Constanza Nuñez

Second prizes ex aequo : Rodrigo Di Cesare, Ignacio Di Gilio, Lautaro Vogel and Emir Zuain ; Tutor: Juan Carlos Etulain

and Gabriel Safranchik, Javier Deyheralde, Fabián Dejtiar et Santiago Trivilino
Collaboratrice: Ailén Aljadeff ; Tutor: Ludmila Crippa

Click here for more information on the results