Montevideo : connecting Casavalle

Casavalle: Results of The Student Competition

Last 25 June 2015, the jury, composed by Patricia, architect of the city of Montevideo, Andres Borthagaray, director IVM Latin America and Diego Perez, nominated par the Faculty of Architecture, Gonzalo Vazquez, nominated by the municipality and Lucio de Souza,  elected by the participants , awarded the following teams:

First prize:  Nicolás Alonzo, Tabaré Egaña andFederico Real (project 03)

Second prize: Martín Cajade (project 01)

Special mention : Christian Flores (project 05)

More information on the website of the University

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Casavalle : The Competition of Ideas

The challenges: improve and qualify the public space of a site characterized by its fractures (rivers, lack of internal connection and with the rest of the city) and its informal passages; create a connection between both sides of the Cañada Mathilde Pacheco; propose action strategies for rapid implementation and use within the large-scale development operations of the “Plan Casavalle” which will begin in 2019.
The purpose: development of a pre-public space project on boths sides of the Cañada Mathilde Pacheco that incorporates pedestrian and cycling connections and ensure the safety of the crossing while respecting the existing traffic rules. The competition site being part of the “Plan Casavalle” development , the proposals should be easily removable and adaptable when the constructions start in 2019. They may also be integrated into a more general reflection on the passages throughout the Cañada. Street furniture, lighting, landscape features, etc. may be considered by the participants.
For whom: all students of the University of the Republic in Montevideo, individually or by team
Prizes: US $ 1,400 for the winner and $ 600 US for the runner-up
Calendar: competition launch: May 7, 2015; end deadline: June 22, 2015; jury: July 2015
Follow-up: the Municipality foresees to implement the winning idea by associating the winning team with its technical team in the process
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Casavalle: Crossing Physical, Territorial, Social and Cultural Barriers

Casavalle is a big poor and informal neighborhood  at the periphery of Montevideo where the Municipality is developing a program of urban integration (Plan Casavalle, kind of civic axis for facilities and infrastructures). The site is crossed by  watercourses and is still lacking of infrastructures, internal  and external connections.
The issue on the site of the Cańada Matilde Pacheco is, from the observation and the inclusion of the uses, to propose the implementation of a passage towards the urban facilities (footbridge, lights, work on the soils….).

Three groups worked on the site of Casavaller:

  • workshop Danza
  • workshop Scheps
  • worshop Perdomo


More information on the webiste of the University

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